Facebook contests/sweepstakes thrive off of advertising and promoting in order to reach the largest audience. Most Facebook ads come in the form of Sponsored Stories or Promoted Posts, those coincidentally relevant posts users see in their newsfeed. Now of course, there are rules to posting these types of ads on Facebook. Here’s a rundown of the most basic rules regarding Facebook Ads.
Click Here for The Facebook Promoted Posts 20% Image Checker Tool
Don’t Forget These General Rules for Facebook Ads:
- Ads cannot explicit political or sexual issues or issues that people may be sensitive towards
- Ads cannot be used to scare or shock audience
- Ads cannot have imagery that are sexually explicit or show excessive skin/unnecessary body parts.
- Ads cannot have imagery that show inactive video play back or exit buttons
- Ads cannot have QR codes or Facebook branded icons or logos without its permission
- Ads must have appropriate imagery for ads targeted towards users below 18.
The Facebook 20% Text Rule:
Above all these rules for Facebook ads lies the 20% text rule. In very general rules, any image used as a Facebook admay notcontain more than 20% text. However, it gets tricky when products are involved. For example, if a product normally includes text in the packaging, such as the Pepsi can below, then that text does not count toward the 20% rule. This also applies to a photographed background that originally has some sort of branding or logo on it, as the case with the Red Bull and Swatch ad below. Any other sort of text applies to the 20% rule, including text and logos that were not originally part of the photo. Take a look at some visuals below to clarify any confusions you may have!
Does’t Count toward 20% Rule

Pepsi Logo does not count towards 20% Rule

Swatch & Red Bull Logos do not count towards 20% Rule
So, how much is 20%?
The most commonly used method to check this rule is by dividing your image into grids and counting the number of grids are highlighted by text. If its more than 20% of the total number of grids, then Facebook will not approve your ad. Now, you’re probably thinking: Do I really have to divide me image up into grids? Luckily, our image checker tool does it right for you! All you have to do is click the number of boxes with text and our tool well tell you whether your ad falls within the 20% range. Here are some examples below:

Follows 20% Rule

Does not Follow 20% Rule
Tips & Tricks:
- The bigger the font size of your ad’s copy, the more it will take up 20%
- Make copy font size small if you need to fit more words into your ad.
- Using images with minimal text makes your ad more engaging for your audience. Insert copy that is necessary for your messaging/branding and avoid reckless word dumping.
- Incorporating products/branding into images that show real life scenes/human interactions makes your ad more engaging and creatively doesn’t count towards the 20% rule.
- Don’t forget to bookmark our image checker tool!
Don’t forget to comment!
We hope we answered all your “Facebook 20% Rule” questions. Let us know your thoughts on our post, image checker tool, and this rule. We’d love to hear from you.
-The Social Contests Team